Sunday, August 16, 2015

Preparing for School: Closet

Hello Lovelies!

As everyone probably already knows, the new school year is approaching...and for some of you it probably already has. I'm starting school the day after Labour Day (my first day is the 8th) and I'm feeling a little stressed out.

For me, school is one big building of anxiety...there's a lot of people, it's always crowded, classes are stressful (because of people and homework), and really all I want to do is curl up in a ball under my covers and not emerge until winter and/or summer holidays. But I can't do that. Instead I focus on ways that I can make the school year I bit more bearable...and for me that's organizing and planning.

Today I'm focusing on my closet.

Personally, I know that when I feel stressed out my head starts getting all cluttered. So to limit that I've decided to de-clutter the space around me, so that when that feeling does start to happen I know that it will all be internal and not from the space around me. I think it might be easier to deal with it then.

So I'm going to de-clutter my closet (let's be honest, that's the messiest part of anyone's room). Now, my closet is pretty organized, I've recently cleaned it, but the one thing that's been bothering me for a few years now is how the hangers don't all match. To a lot of you that probably sounds a bit irrelevant for school, but I imagine that some of you will know where I'm coming from. As I've mentioned before, I think my brain is going to feel less busy if the area around me is as organized as can be.

Today I went out to Winners and I bought 35 non-slip hangers (I really hope it's going to be enough...I've got no idea how much clothes are hanging up) and I'm going to re-hang all of the clothes that are already in my closet.

This is going to be my first step in preparing for the stressful pool that is school.

Honest to God, I did not mean for that to rhyme.


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